Looking for our distributor for our film, we have researched some of the current and most popular distributors for action films, These are the three most popular distributors.
The first distributor is called lionsgate, A popular company that has been distributing since 1997. A modern company that has been distributing some of the most popular titles recently including the Expendables trilogy as well as the Hunger games. They have access to some of the most modern technology they we could use for our film.
Universal are part of the 'big 6' corporations in the media world, on rival to Disney, they are responsible to be part of a successful company that has access to a large sum of funds that can be beneficial to a film.
Paramount is possibly the most obvious choice I would choose for my opening, They have plenty of experience in distributing as they have been in transformers and Iron-man. They are also part of the big six and have experience with Action-thrillers
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