Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Camera Shots and Angles With Examples

Most of the time production crews use a variety of camera angles to make the film more interesting, Before modern day equipment, old films were primarily filmed on one camera angle. Since then their has been more shots created.

Tracking-When the camera moves to follow/track an object or person, this can be used to show an important figure or object.
Panning-When the camera move left-right on a pivot, used to view a conversation or a sport match(i.e. Tennis)
Whip pan-High speed pan
High angle/low angle-Can suggest power in inferiority
Zoom-A way of moving in and out without moving the camera, used to show something of significance
Crane/ Helicopter shot-Simply used on these objects to create a landscape shot, for example in the opening scene of kingsman through the mountains.
Shot/Reverse Shot-where one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character.
Match-on action- an editing technique for continuity editing in which one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot.
180 degree rule-When you film a scene using separate shots, it's important that people understand where everything in the scene is.

Some Examples of different Camera Angles include:
This moment in the 'Kingsman' Opening scene it uses a zoom in shot with also a bit of stedicam, to prevent shaking.

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