Monday, 2 November 2015

Fury Opening scene analysis

My chosen genre I have chosen is action, Fury is a great example of a typical of action film, plenty of action and and tank battles. A tank is normally represented as the icon of action, plenty of health and packs a big punch, many of our iconic action hero's are portrayed in this style, Bruce Willis in die Hard, the Terminator in the Terminator Series.

The scene opens with a German SS officer patrolling and scouting the aftermath of a large battle, From first glance you see plenty of fog and smoke, this makes the scene give a serious mood as the fog and smoke is produced from the violence which has happened, this makes the audience very delicate to the fact that the second world of war brought a strong time of loss and produced a difficult time, meaning the audience may react to this as serious effect as most of our generation does not know of the horrors of war. The reason this is significant is that this film is aimed at 15-40 year olds who like a serious action film.

The German SS officer is obviously known to us as the villain for what he represents(Nazism). The hero is obviously Brad Pitt as he is a representative of the United States Army. Linking to Vladimir Propp's theory of representation:

Hero(s)- The Fury Crew
Villain- The SS and Wehrmacht
Donor- US Army Ordnance
Dispatcher- General S. Patton
False Hero- The Wehrmacht
Helper- M4A2E8 Sherman
Princess- Victory
Father- General S. Patton

The lighting in this scene is very dim, this is to create the tense atmosphere as we do not know what the officer is doing. The camera is using a tracking shot to follow the officer moving across the field. The semiotics of this scene is that the The officer represents the idea of evil for what the SS represent. The significance of this is that when Brad Pitt ambushes the enemy officer shows us that the evil is defeated by the good.

To conclude this opening scene gives an insight to what I can create when it comes to the time when i need to create my opening scene. By using dim lighting and a large use of background music can allow me to create a powerful opening scene.

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